How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?

Do you want to apply online Shram swikirti in Nepal but do not know how to make the required payments? If yes, then you are at the right place as we will guide you to pay Shram Swikriti payment online. There are multiple ways to pay for Shram Swikriti while staying at your own home. read the full article to get the answer to your query here.

What Payments Should be Done for Shram Swikriti Payment Online?

There are multiple payments you should make for Shram Swikirti. They are Foreign Employment Term Insurance, also known as Baideshik Rojgar Myadi Jeevan Beema, and Welfare Funds, known as Baideshik Rojgar Kalyankari Kosh.

PaymentForeign Employment
PlatformDigital wallets like eSewa, Khalti, IME Pay, etc.
Application FeeFree or Rs. 1500 (Paid)
Baideshik Rojgar Kalyankari KoshRs. 1500
Baideshik Rojgar Myadi Jeevan BeemaFee Depending on the Applicant’s age

How Much Should I Pay for Shram Swikriti Payment Online?

Before knowing how to pay Shram Swikriti payment online, let us look at how much should you pay for welfare funds and insurance.

Age2.5 Years Premium InsuranceWelfare FundTotal
18 – 35 yearsRs. 3708Rs. 1500Rs. 5208
36 – 50 yearsRs. 4531Rs. 1500Rs. 6031
51 – 64 yearsRs. 5463Rs. 1500Rs. 6963

How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?

There are multiple ways to pay Shram Swikriti payment online. However, for that, you will need to have one of the digital wallets like eSewa, Khalti, or IME Pay. Here, we will discuss with you how to complete the payment using all these digital wallets.

How to Pay for Foreign Employment Welfare Fund Online?

You can very easily pay for foreign employment welfare funds online with the help of different digital wallets. You can do so from your smartphone as well as from your PC. We will tell you to here to use three different digital wallets for online payment of the welfare fund.

Using Khalti

One of the easiest digital wallets for paying for the welfare fund is Khalti. For that, first of all, you need to create and verify your Khalti account. You can download the app for Android from here or for iPhones from here if you do not have the app. To pay for Baideshik Rojgar Kalyankari Kosh using Khalti follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Khalti application on your smartphone. Open the Khalti application on your smartphone.
  2. Tap on ‘Government Services’. Tap on Government Services.
  3. Click on ‘Gov Payments’. Click on 'Gov Payments'
  4. Select ‘DOFE Welfare’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  5. Choose individual, enter your passport number and click on ‘GET DETAILS’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  6. Verify the details, enter the depositor’s name and click on ‘NEXT’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  7. Tap on ‘PAY RS. 1,500’ to complete the payment process. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?

So, by following the steps given above, you will be easily able to pay for the Baideshik Rojgar Kalyankari Kosh using Khalti.

Using eSewa

The next way to pay for the Foreign Employment welfare fund online is by using eSewa. You need to create and verify your eSewa account before proceeding with the payment. In case you do not have the application, download it for Android or for iPhones. To pay the fund from eSewa follow the steps given below:

  1. Open the eSewa application on your smartphone. Open eSewa on your phone.
  2. Tap on ‘Govt. Payment’. Tap on Govt. Payment
  3. Click on ‘Foreign Employment Welfare Fund’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  4. Enter your passport number and click on ‘PROCEED’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  5. Verify the details and tap on ‘PROCEED’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  6. Click on ‘CONFIRM’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  7. Choose the payment method and then tap on ‘PAY’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?

So, by following these steps, you will be able to pay for the Foreign Employment Welfare Fund online using eSewa.

Using IME Pay

You can also use IME Pay in case you do not use eSewa or Khalti. Before you perform the transaction, you must create IME pay account. You can download the application on Android from here or iOS from here. To pay for the welfare fund using your IME pay follow the steps given below:

  1. Open the IME Pay application on your smartphone. Open the IME Pay application on your smartphone.
  2. Enter your wallet pin to go to the dashboard. Enter your wallet pin.
  3. Tap on ‘Government’. Tap on 'Government'
  4. Click on ‘DOFE Welfare Fund’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  5. Type your passport number and then click on the Next arrow. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  6. Verify the details and click on Next. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  7. Click on Next to complete the payment. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?

So, you can pay for the Baideshik Rojgar Kalyankari Kosh using IME Pay by following the steps given above.

How to Pay for Foreign Employment Insurance Online?

You can also easily pay for Foreign Employment Insurance online by using the same digital wallets as above. Here, we will guide you through paying the insurance funds using all these wallets.

Using Khalti

It is very easy to pay the insurance using Khalti digital wallet. There are seven insurance companies whose insurance you can pay from Khalti. The insurance companies are Nepal Life, Sanima Reliance Life, National Life, Surya Jyoti Life, Citizen Life, Reliable Life, and Prabhu Mahalaxmi Life Insurance. To pay for foreign employment insurance using Khalti follow these steps below:

  1. Open the Khalti application on your smartphone. Open the Khalti application on your smartphone.
  2. Tap on ‘Government Services’. Tap on Government Services.
  3. Click on ‘Gov Payments’. Click on 'Gov Payments'
  4. Select ‘DOFE Insurance’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  5. Choose DOFE Insurance (Individual), the insurance company, enter your passport number, and tap on ‘GET DETAILS’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  6. Enter your email address and click on ‘PAY’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  7. Tap on ‘PAY’ to complete the payment. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?

So, by following these above steps you can pay for the insurance using Khalti easily.

Using eSewa

You can also use the digital wallet eSewa to complete your payment for the insurance. eSewa lets you pay insurance of only two companies, i.e., Sun Nepal Life and Citizen Life Insurance company. To do so, follow the steps given below:

  1. Open the eSewa application on your smartphone. Open eSewa on your phone.
  2. Tap on ‘Govt. Payment’. Tap on Govt. Payment
  3. Click on ‘Foreign Employment Insurance Fund’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  4. Choose the insurance company, enter passport number, select the term in years and click on ‘PROCEED’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  5. Confirm the details and tap on ‘PROCEED’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  6. Verify the details again and click on ‘CONFIRM’ to complete the payment. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?

You can easily pay for Foreign Employment Insurance online by following the steps above in eSewa.

Using IME Pay

The next digital wallet to pay for foreign employment insurance is IME Pay. IME Pay allows you to pay for five insurance companies: IME Life, Asian Life, Sun Nepal, Nepal Life and Reliable Life Insurance Company. To pay the insurance using IME Pay follow the steps given below:

  1. Open the IME Pay application on your smartphone. Open the IME Pay application on your smartphone.
  2. Enter your wallet pin. Enter your wallet pin.
  3. Click on ‘Insurance’. Click on Insurance.
  4. Tap on ‘DOFE Insurance’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  5. Choose the insurance company, insurance initiated by, term, enter passport number and tap on ‘Next’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  6. Verify the details and click on ‘Next’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  7. Add nominee details and tap on ‘Next’ which is optional. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  8. Enter the nearest contact’s information which is optional and click on ‘Next’ again. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  9. Enter the customer contact detail and click on ‘Next’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  10. Confirm the customer details and tap on ‘Next’. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?
  11. Tap on ‘Next’ to confirm the payment. How to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online?

So, you can pay for Foreign Employment Insurance online easily using the IME Pay digital wallet.


In a world where technology makes life easier, paying your Shram Swikriti contributions online is a very easy task. Just follow the simple steps mentioned above, and you can pay Shram Swikriti payment online from wherever you are. If you have any queries regarding the topic, please free to comment down below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does Shram Swikriti cost in Nepal?

It costs Rs. 1500 for Foreign Employment Welfare Fund in Nepal. Similarly, the cost of insurance is Rs. 3708, Rs. 4531, and Rs. 5463 for the individual whose age is 18-35 years, 36-50 years, and 51-64 years respectively.

Do I Need to be Physically Present to Pay for Shram Swikriti?

No, you do not need to be physically present to pay for Shram Swikrit. You can pay Shram Swikriti payment online easily from different digital wallets.

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